Islamic Banking Definition:
Banking is a concept that has been used in our society in different form and shapes. The history of banking is as old as 2000 BC when there were trading system and the gold coins. There are different banking systems in the world but the most famous ones are Islamic and conventional banking. The main function of conventional bank can be summed up in one sentence: The banks borrow to lend. They borrow in the form of deposits and lend this money to earn interest. In contrary, Islamic banking system is based on the principle of partnership. Here is the Islamic banking definition: “The shareholders, the depositors and the borrowers-all would participate in an asset or business, on profit-loss sharing basis”. Here you will get complete information about what is Shariah banking?
Islamic Banking System:
It is a finance management system that is based on the Islamic rules of Sharia. The main concept is the prohibition on collection of interest and its utilization for the business purposes. Muslim banking is a saving money framework that depends on the standards of Islamic law, additionally known as Shariah law, and guided by Islamic financial matters. Two fundamental standards behind the concept are the sharing of benefit and misfortune. Gathering interest or Riba isn’t allowed under Islamic law.
It’s concepts have an indistinguishable reason from traditional managing an account aside from that it works as per the guidelines of Shariah, known as Fiqh al-Muamalat. Muslim banking as an account exercises must be polished reliable with the Shari’ah and its pragmatic application through the improvement of Islamic financial aspects. A significant number of these standards whereupon it is based, are regularly acknowledged everywhere throughout the world, for quite a long time as opposed to decades. These standards are not new but rather their unique state has been changed throughout the hundreds of years.
Shariah Banking in Early Ages of Islam:
The history of Islamic banking goes back to the earliest reference point of Islam in the 7th century. The first spouse of prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH), Khadija, was a businesswomen, and the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) went about as a specialist for her business, utilizing a significant number of similar standards utilized as a part of contemporary concepts.
In the Middle Ages, exchange and business activity in the Muslim world depended on Islamic rules as account standards, and these thoughts spread all through Spain, Baltic States, and Mediterranean, giving a portion of the premise to western standards. From the 1960s to 1970s, the modern world accepted the system.

How Does Islamic Banking Work?
It is important that you understand the rules to know how it works. There is consensus among the Shariah scholars that credit price of a commodity can genuinely be more than its cash price. The Islamic Fiqh Academy of OIC and Sharia Boards of all Islamic banks, approve the legality of this difference. However, no addition to price once mutually agreed.
Keeping in mind the end goal to procure cash without charging premium, Islamic banks utilize value support frameworks. This implies if a bank credits cash to a business, the business pays back the advance without premium, yet it gives the bank an offer in its benefits. In the event that the business defaults on the advance or do not win any benefits, the bank does not get any benefit either. The Islamic finance course and Islamic finance degree programs study the system and develop necessary expertise in Islamic finance bankers.
Is Islamic Banking System Really Islamic?
Yes it is, if it is being practiced on the basis of rules and regulations defined by Islamic laws. In case any organization is not following the rules defined in Quran, Hadith, Ijma or Qayas, they are not allowed to claim themselves an Islamic bank. To lessen hazard, the bank just affirmed around 40% of its business credit applications, yet the default proportion was zero.