PhD in supply chain management emphasizes research-based study. From Giant corporates to small business operations, the optimization of effective supply chain management is always crucial. Supply chain in today’s world is the backbone of any organization and creates competitive advantage. This program objectifies to help candidates to secure a high position at top-ranked organizations. PhD logistics and supply chain management yields the scholarly research-based skills in the candidate. It is accredited globally and offers both Full-Time and Part-Time through distance learning method. Students will prepare a research-based dissertation, and get engaged in promoting the industry evidence-based practices, by application of the learned methodology and prove themselves as the future generation of scholars.


AIMS welcomes candidates pursuing PhD in supply chain management to achieve the milestone in a postgraduate study program. By completing successfully, you would be able to effectively undertake consulting and research-based programs and demonstrate advanced knowledge and research in a specialized area of the supply channel.

Objectives of PhD in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

PhD Supply Chain at a Glance:

Study ModeDistance Learning | Self paced.
Study RequirementsPrepare your dissertation, which is supervised by AIMS’ PhD Faculty
Average Duration of Completion2 year.
Registration Validity3 years.
PhD Self Study Requirements10-12 hours per week.
Credit Hours12.
UK QualificationLevel-8.
Degree AwardedPhD in Logistics and Supply Chain Management.


Program is globally recognized and honorably reputed. Our PhDs are working in multifaceted organizations, universities and renowned institutes. It is internationally recognized and awarded by accredited body in the United States.

PhD supply chain / PhD logistics will introduce you to the modern corporate trends around the world. It helps our scholars to learn and research to create a system that is faster, better and lowers cost in multiple dimensions of procurement, manufacturing, distribution, transportation, warehousing, retailing and provides professional advancement.

You choose AIMS, because of the successful induction of our scholars in multiple industries operating supply chains. The phd participants are not limited, but some are:

  • Top managers & executives from multiple organizations,
  • Young scholars and researchers,
  • Managers seeking a career in supply chain,
  • Teachers pursuing a career as associate professor or professor,
  • Consultants.

Our convenient PhD in logistics and supply chain management can quickly be scheduled around work and family. It is flexible, convenient, cost-effective, greater focus, comprehensive, helps to build a solid base for research, quicker adoption of products and services offered locally, internationally, and gives you permanent content and standard training manuals, which becomes an asset.

Students who hold mba in upply chain management degree from AIMS or any other recognized institution may enroll in the phd supply chain, without additional course work. However, for other graduates, online diploma in supply chain management is a pre-requisite, which cover all the major supply chain and logistics courses.

  • Research based doctorate degree.
  • Internationally Accredited Qualification.
  • Facilitated by leading experts in supply chain and logistics fields.
  • Flexible distance learning model.
  • Full-Time & Part-Time study options.


phd in logistics and supply chain management

Our Student Say!

“Achieving the PhD in Supply Chain Management from AIMS is the most important part of my career. This experience has given me confidence to achieve something that I used to believe as impossible. As a busy professional, I found that AIMS is an excellent place for intellectual development through distance learning. I am working full-time, and AIMS’ convenient learning model suited my busy schedule. Program prepared me well for my future professional prospects, and working in an R&D environment. The program greatly enhanced my career and professional connections. I love the learning methodology offered for my phd logistics, and the professors were great.”

Christopher Norton, Director Planning.