What is the Role of Supply Chain Management?

Maintenance of a business is not the task of a single person whether it is a huge enterprise or a home-based small business. A well-managed team can make the business successful. The most important role is played by the manager who maintains the supply chain of the company. The major role of the supply chain management is to assure that the demand of customers is met with the supply of the products. Supply chain role has to assure that the companies never produce extra or insufficient products. Here we have everything you should know about the supply chain roles and responsibilities.

Demand of Supply Chains in Today’s Business:

Supply chain management is an integral part of the business organizations and important for the success of the company. Due to the rapid advancement in technology, most of the business organizations are available online. The market is becoming competitive and thus increasing the role of supply chain management. Due to this reason, demand for supply chain management qualification is growing worldwide.

Areas Where Role of Supply Chain Management is Growing?

1. Increase Customer Service:

One of the most important supply chain roles and responsibilities is to manage the customer service. The customers should always get what they are looking for. Whether it is a product, solution to their issues or answers to their questions. The supply chain management team as to assure that the customer service platform is accessible 24/7 so the customers will feel connected to the organization they would like to do business with.

role of supply chain management

2. Reduce Production Cost:

The first and most important thing managers have to do is to reduce the production cost of the items. It is done by:

  • Introducing machines in the industry.
  • Buy the raw materials directly from the factories or the wholesale markets.
  • Reduce the number of rejected or failed items.
  • Increasing the efficiency of the workforce.
supply chain roles and responsibilities

3. Improve Quality of Products:

It is a fact that the production cost of the products has to be reduced but at the same time, the quality of the items has to be enhanced. It has to be assured that the raw material and manufacturing of the items in high-class because only then to customers will be attracted. They have to be durable, reliable and long-lasting, so they can give best result in all supply chain management industries.

4. Improve Financial Position:

The company has to improve its financial status. It has to be assured that the customers will return to buy the products once again because they are satisfied with the previous items. The supply chain management has to work in such a way that

  • The cash flow of company will increase.
  • Amount of fixed assets will decrease.
  • The profit leverage will increase.

It will make the customer believe that company is progressing and showing positive results.

role of supply chain

5. Development of Best Marketing Strategies:

The supply chain management team has to develop the best marketing strategies for the company to assure that their products will be present in the best possible way. The customers often decide whether they would buy a certain item or not by looking at the advertisements shared on different platforms. Considering these demands, AIMS’ supply chain academy offers mba in logistics and supply chain management, which UK accredited and globally recognized qualifications.

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