Scrum Project Management and Sprint Project Management:

The ultimate success or failure of a project depends on the way they are managed and led. However, success requires more than just good leadership. It requires leadership that not only maximizes efficiency as one that has the right tools to get the most out of the team. So, to ensure that your project is a success, you need to find the right tool or, in other words, the right project management method. To do so, you need to consider not only the size of your team but also their experience, and what worked and didn’t work in the past. One of the most popular methods used is scrum project management. Regarding the sprint project management, note that sprint takes place in the scrum project management, which is one of the popular project management framework.

What is Scrum Project Management?

Scrum is one of the most popular agile project management frameworks and it’s used to develop complex systems and products. To better understand scrum project management you need to keep in mind that Agile is not really a framework or even a software; it’s a set of principles that support the continuous evolution of software development methods -one of those methods is scrum.

The main application of scrum is done in the development of complex systems and products. It’s mainly based on the “do, check and adapt” principle to ensure optimum productivity and results in greater control over any risks that may arise. The main idea behind scrum project management is that you give end-users exactly what they want. This can b accomplished by using Sprints or even continuous feedback and iterations. Sprints are meant to be short, but regular, cycles of no more than four weeks for which a significant product increment is expected to be presented.

scrum project management


Everyone Know What To Do All The Time:

Team members know exactly what to do and any question can b answered immediately during the next sprint.

Easy Integration Of Feedback From Customers:

Since the scrum project management is flexible and agile, you can easily incorporate feedback from customers at any point.

Smaller Tasks:

Most projects tend to include big tasks that are difficult to complete. When you use scrum project management, you can divide these into smaller tasks that are not only easier to manage but also to complete.

Continuous Testing:

No matter what you are producing, you can test during the creation phase.

What is Sprint Project Management?

When talking about project management, it is almost impossible not to refer to sprints. Simply put, sprints are a period of time to complete and review a certain task or activity. The sprint project management begins with a meeting where the customer and the project team discuss the work that needs to be completed. At this point, the project team will need to determine how much time they need to complete the work while the customer needs to point out the type of work that needs to be completed.

While every sprint duration is different, they should be kept consistent. On most occasions, these will usually last 30 days. Daily stand up meetings are held to ponder the project’s progress and to make decisions and face challenges. While the customer can attend these meetings, he can only observe them but never interfere. Educational programs such as project certification, postgraduate diploma in project management or mba project, is a perfect choice for professionals, to develop project management expertise.

sprint project management

Scrum Project Management Tools:

Jira Scrum:

With Jira scrum, you will be able to make it easy to track and schedule tasks as well as to monitor progress.

Scrum From Trello:

With Trello, you can easily create a board to add all the smaller, broken down tasks. This means that you can definitely use Scrum from Trello for your projects.
Between creating a list each for “To Do,” “Doing,” and “Done”, you can add as many columns you want or need. And when you have a lot of items to review, add a special column.

Redmine Scrum:

This easy to set up plugin allows you to configure all your projects quickly. Between product backlog, add task boards with drag and drop, checking Sprint burndown charts and stats, you’ll be able to manage your projects better.

Asana Scrum:

With Asana Scrum, you will be able to plan, organize, and manage agile projects in a tool that’s as flexible and collaborative as your team.
You will be able you easily track launches, give feedback and iterate, keep track of sprint planning and milestones, and even improve communication between team members.

PMI Scrum:

With PMI Scrum, you will allow teams to respond rapidly and efficiently to any required changes in the process.

Prince2 Scrum:

With Prince2 Scrum you can better manage and control your projects. Besides, it also provides good guidance to the key stakeholders on how to ensure the project is managed effectively.

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