Is Cryptocurrency Halal or Haram?

After the introduction of bitcoin, the biggest debate that has been going on in the Islamic banks and financial institutes is that, is crypto halal? or is crypto haram? There are many Muslims around the world who are interested in knowing the true fatwa on cryptocurrency specially the bitcoin halal fatwa, so they can consider using it. Here we have a complete concept to help you know is cryptocurrency halal or haram.

“Currencies are originally a medium of exchange, and making them a tradable commodity for profit earning is against the philosophy of Islamic economics. In Shariah, there is no valid reason to accept Bitcoin or other Cryptocurrencies as a currency. It is just an imaginary number, which is generated through a complex mathematical process. It is purchased for Gambling or Speculations, and used in illegal or unlawful transactions”.

Mufti Taqi Usmani!

Concepts of Cryptocurrency and Money in Islam:

Cryptocurrency and comparative digital forms of money satisfy the monetary jobs of cash – going about as medium of trade, unit of record, and store of significant worth – and furthermore gain status as Islamic cash by being “standard cash”. Shariah perceives standard cash as being anything that additions money related status through wide acknowledgement in the public eye or by government command.

In Germany, digital currency is perceived as lawful cash and in this manner qualifies as cash in Germany. In nations, for example, the US, cryptocurrency needs official lawful financial status yet is acknowledged for installment at an assortment of traders, and along these lines qualifies as standard cash.

is crypto halal

“Here is my fatwa on cryptocurrency, as today’s widely asked questions are: is crypto halal or is crypto haram; or if crypto trading halal or haram. In may opinion, the trading in cryptocurrency is haram. This is because it is not approved by legitimate bodies, such as Treasury Departments of States, as an acceptable interact of exchange. Such currencies leads to esae in contrabands trade & money laundering, and they are amounted to Gambling“.

Mufti Shawki Allam!

Fatwa on Cryptocurrency – Opinions of Shariah Scholars:

The Islamic Canonical Law, prominently known as Sharia depends on the lessons of the Quran and denies certain exercises, for example, acknowledgment of particular premium which is viewed as usury (Riba) or interests in organizations which are in opposition to Islamic acknowledgment for instance liquor.

Late enthusiasm for Islamic managing an account has ascended with even the International Monetary Fund’s official board holding the first since forever dialog on Islamic Banking.

is crypto haram

“Since crypto currencies are open to speculations, mostly used for illegal deads, and far from state auditing and supervision; their trading is not appropriate at this point, in the light of Shariah”.

Directorate of Religious Affairs Turkey!

Is Crypto Haram or Halal? A Shariah Review:

In spite of the fact that premium, venture, and theory in bitcoin and digital money have kept on soaring upward, there stays developing disarray among Muslims – which make up almost a fourth of the total populace – concerning whether Bitcoin and cryptographic forms of money conform to Shariah law. Shariah law is an arrangement of tenets pursued by Muslims as per the rules of the Quran and lessons of the Prophet Muhammad, peace arrive.

The Islamic fund segment, which offers money related items to Muslim people and Islamic foundations, sticks to Shariah law. Same is the case of Islamic mortgage or halal mortgage – clear comprehension of digital money and blockchain keep on developing in significance as experts progressively perceive that blockchain will change each zone of the worldwide budgetary framework similarly the web changed media and distributing.

is cryptocurrency halal

“In my opinion on is cryptocurrency halal or haram, I would say that crypto remain anonymous when you deal with it. Cryptocurrencies facilitate money laundering, drug money and haram (forbidden) money. Hand to hand exchange of currencies are permissible in Islam, however, in virtual currencies you don’t have this.”.

Shaykh Assim al-Hakeem!


According to most of the Islamic jurists, crypto halal or crypto haram concepts are not going to be resolved easily. There are some rules that consider crypto halal while others consider the crypto haram. However, majority of scholars so far sure that Trading in Crypto is Haram because it has no value in and of itself. Neither any economic strength gives it value, nor it returns an origin of some sort. It has not been adopted by any legitimate government entity and its value is only based on the fluctuation of the market. Most aspects and features of bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies are haram, and they are used for gambling and other such tasks that are considered crypto haram. Cryptocurrency and many emerging areas of Islamic banking and finance are discussed in diploma Islamic banking and online Islamic finance course offered by AIMS Education.

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